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Heal All Herb Cut

Heal All Herb Cut

Regular price $30.05
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Heal All Herb Cut

Prunella vulgaris
plant overview

Prunella vulgaris is a creeping, herbaceous perennial found throughout Europe, Asia, and North America. A member of the mint family, self heal yields small lance-like leaves and whirls of tiny, lipped, purple flowers. Also referred to as self heal, the herb thrives in gardens and waysides and is often considered a weed. Fresh, the aerial portions are edible and can be eaten in salads and soups. Self heal has been employed as a spring tonic and general tonic herb in folk herbalism for generations. The dried herb can be macerated in vinegars, blended into nutritive herbal teas, or used in topical applications.

Applications / Preparations: Can be put into capsules, teas, soups, stews or infused as an herbal extract. For cosmetic use can be put in a poultice or as a strong infusion for a skin wash.

Also known as: Self Heal, Woundwort, Lamb's Ears, Heart of the Earth, Brunella, Hook-Heal.

Plant Part(s) Used: Aerial Parts.

Appearance: Leafy.

Aroma: Grass-like.

Taste: Pleasant, bland.

GMO Status: Non-GMO.

Allergen: None.

Additives: Free of any additives or preservatives.

Storage: Store in a sealed container in a cool, dry place.

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